SSD1 2005/2006   (LESI/DI)

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ECTS Description


Apresenta-se excerto da descrição em inglês da disciplina tal como submetida para ECTS:



Study Plan: Computer Science and Systems Engineering - Specialisation in Information Technologies

Code: 5308O8

Course Unit: Option T II


Digital Systems Synthesis I- CAD algorithms for Partition, Floorplanning/Placement, Routing and Layout cell problems. Synthesis and scheduling algorithms. Use of CAD/EDA tools encompassing areas beyond VLSI physical design. Presentation of case study solution space optimization techniques namely Simulated Annealing and Genetic Algorithms.


Digital Systems Synthesis I- None. (Basic knowledge in algorithms, data structures and programming languages is assumed.)

Learning Outcomes: 

(i)                  Learn a few digital design automation algorithms, namely within physical design. Understand Partition, Floorplanning, Routing and Scheduling problem formulation. Analyze techniques for problem re-formulation, so that algorithms exhibit polynomial order run times, and, or, solution improvement. Learn heuristics demanding lower computational effort, yet yielding good quality solution;

(ii)                Learn how to characterize the computational complexity of synthesis problems, and problem solutions. Identify key features of DFT (Design for Testability) and SOC (System on a Chip) design methodologies. Understand key aspects of current digital systems design methodologies. Namely the close interdependence of Partition, Floorplanning, Global Routing and Detailed Routing problem solutions;

(iii)               Acquire design automation problem formulation capabilities for digital design problems. Learn how to specify cost functions for quality solution evaluation;

(iv)              Do a small project, implementing an existing design automation algorithm, possibly including changes – as appropriate – either in cost function, search motor parameters, solution generation, or heuristics.


Digital Systems Synthesis I- "VLSI Physical Design Automation, Theory and Practice", Sait & Youssef, World Scientific Pub Co, 1st edition, 1999; – “Synthesis and Optimization of Digital Circuits”, De Micheli, McGraw-Hill, 1994; - DAC, ICCAD and ISPD Proceedings.