
The project presented in this site refers to Ponte de Lima, a village in the north of Portugal. To achieve the end result, a colaboration was established between Universidade do Minho, Portugal, in particular the Graphics, Interaction and Vision (GIV) research group, and the Munic�pio de Ponte de Lima (Town Council of Ponte de Lima), under a larger scope project entitled "Ponte de Lima, Terra Rica da Humanidade".

The project consists in the 3D virtualization of the most emblematic areas of the village, as well as a plausible reconstruction of the medieval walls, from the XIV century.

The goals of the project "Ponte de Lima, Terra Rica da Humanidade" are the promotion of the architectonic values that can be found on this beautiful village, and to start the building of a 3D model for the whole historical center of the village. promo��o dos valores arquitect�nicos, iniciar a concep��o de uma estrutura de modela��o da totalidade do Centro Hist�rico de Ponte de Lima.

This global model will allow historical and archeological research under in a practical and experimental approach. It is expected that such result will provide some anwsers in subjects as urban planning, architectonic evolution, construction methods, defense strategies,...; as well as providing an understanding of the evolution of the village from the XIV century.

The first step, which we consider to be a very meaningfull one, has been achieved - the virtual model of a plausible reconstruction of the medieval walls from the XIV century.

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