
Keywords: Quality of Service, QoS, RSVP, Diffserv, Intserv, ALTQ, CBQ, RED.

Quality of Service is nowadays one of the most important benefit we can expect from
data communications networks.
Actualy the applications want more and more from the networks, the expectation
is today very high.
The end user expects to accomplish some Quality of Service when he participates
in a videoconference, listen some hi-fi music by his favorite player, sees some
pictures or movies, gets some data or multimedia from the Internet.
This is true also for the business man who wants to get from his Internet Service
Provider some guarantee of communications over the public network.
All of this must be performed, in pratice, by the networks we use today allover the world:
X.25, Frame Relay, SMDS, ISBN, B-ISBN and ATM.

Everybody needs today Quality of Service, but one only has some difuse ideas about
what is Quality of Service is in real. All of this because the term Quality is
diferent for a end user and for the business man, or even for the Internet Service Provider.

At the IETF, they made an enforcement to define and create some parameters, which give
us some classes called Classes of Service. These classes are defined by parameters
such as: delays, bandwidth, losses, etc. Is very dificult to implement this Classes
of Service because the number and type or style of the networks are so diferent.

Actualy the most important protocols toward's to implementation of Quality of Service
are known as: RSVP, AREQUIPA, Diffserv and Integrated Services and ATM itself.
All of these have some limitations and some advantages, but noone of them can
leed us to full Quality of Service. They clearly show that the networks we use today
are still far away of the Quality that applications would expect.

The deployment of an architecture to implement the Diffserv services gave us some
interesting results.
This architecture, using the ALTQ (tool provided by Kenjiro Cho), uses a router with
some rules of Diffserv, to classify and mark the packets. These packets are processed
in a queue with CBQ. Each queue implements a class with a proper bandwidth.
The tool ALTQ has been modified to give us some samples in diferent stages within
n the router, with diferent traffics and bandwidth.
The results obtained by these tests gave us the idea we can accomplish Quality of
Service with this architecture Diffserv.
