XTche - A Language for Topic Maps Schema and Constraints

Keywords: Topic Maps , Constraint Language , Knowledge Management , Semantic Web , XTche , XML Schema

MSc Giovani Rubert Librelotto
PhD Student
University of Minho, Computer Science Department



Giovani Librelotto is a PhD student in computer science at University of Minho in Portugal. He has been involved in several topic maps projects.

Dr José Carlos Ramalho

University of Minho, Computer Science Department http://www.di.uminho.pt/~jcr



José Carlos is a teacher and researcher at University of Minho.

He has a Masters on Compiler Construction and a Ph.D. on the subject Structured Document Processing and Semantics. He is supervising several XML/SGML projects and acting as an external consultant for several institutions.

Dr Pedro Rangel Henriques

University of Minho, Computer Science Department http://www.di.uminho.pt/~prh



Pedro Henriques is an Associated Professor of Computer Science at University of Minho.

His research and teaching activity has been concerned with programming in general - paradigms, specification formalisms and languages; in particular, his main interest is the development of language processors.

He completed, some years ago, his Ph.D. at University of Minho in the area of Attribute Grammars; he is, now, the leader of the Language Specification and Processing group. The application of the grammatical approach to problem solving and the use of parsing and semantic analysis technologies in various problem domains (namely, document processing, information retrieval and data/text mining, and geographical information systems) are the present concerns of his academic work.


This paper describes the design of a new language to formally specify constraints over Topic Maps. This language allows to express contextual conditions on classes of Topic Maps and the corresponding processing syntem. With XTche, a topic map designer defines a set of restrictions that enables to verify if a particular topic map is semantically valid. As the manual checking of large topic maps (frequent in real cases) is impossible, it is mandatory to provide an automatic validator.

The constraining process presented in this paper is composed of a language and a processor. The language is based on XML Schema syntax. The processor is developed in XSLT language. The XTche processor takes a XTche specification and it generates a particular XSLT stylesheet. This stylesheet can validate a specific topic map (or a set of them) according to the constraints in the XTche specification.

In this paper we will show, in abstract terms and with concrete examples, how to specify Topic Maps schemas and constraints with XTche.

Table of Contents

1. Introduction
2. Semantic Web, Ontology, and Topic Maps
3. Constraints
4. XTche - A Language for Topic Maps Schema and Constraints
     4.1 Schema Constraints and Contextual Constraints
     4.2 An XML Schema-based language
          4.2.1 XTche Skeleton
          4.2.2 XTche-Specification Validation Processor
     4.3 Schema constraint specification
     4.4 Contextual constraint specification
     4.5 XTche Processor and TM-Validator
5. Related Work
6. Conclusion

1. Introduction

Topic Maps are a standard for organizing and representing knowledge about a specific domain. They allow us to specify subjects and relationships between subjects. Steve Pepper [Pep00] defines subject as the term used for the real world thing that the topic itself stands in for. A topic, in its most generic sense, can be anything whatsoever - a person/object, an entity/organization, a concept - regardless of whether it actually exists or is a mental abstraction [Rat03] .

Besides the simplicity and powerfulness of the topic/association-based model, there are two Topic Maps features that are important in the process of understanding and reasoning about a domain: the hierarchical structure that is represented in a map (defined by the relations is-a or contains); and the complementary topic network (made up of other links that connect topics that are not included in each other but just interact).

The facts above explain the importance of Topic Maps to describe knowledge in general; in particular their application to define ontologies is one of the growing up fields. So Topic Maps are nowadays widely used within XML environments: in archives, for cataloging purposes; or in web browsers, for conceptual navigation.

To build reliable systems, like those referred, it is crucial to be sure about the complete correctness of the underlying semantic network.

Like in other fields, as formal language and document processing, it is wise to validate the syntax and semantics of a topic map before its use. This is precisely the focus of this paper: we propose XTche, a language to define Topic Maps Schema and Constraints. The validation process of a topic map based on a XTche specification will also be under the scope of the paper.

Chapter 2 is an overview about the basic concepts in the area of this work: Semantic Web, Ontology, and Topic Maps; it creates the context and motivation for our concern with the precise semantics of Topic Maps. A discussion about constraining Topic Maps is presented in Chapter 3 . Chapter 4 describes XTche; before the introduction of XTche specific semantic constructors, we distinguish schema and contextual constraints. Then the automatic analysis of a XTche specification (in order to generate a concrete validator) is discussed. Chapter 5 compares our proposal with related work and exemplifies the use of our constraint language. A synthesis of the paper and hints on future work are presented in the last part, Chapter 6 .

2. Semantic Web, Ontology, and Topic Maps

Semantic Web is concerned with the arrangement of web based information systems in such way that its meaning can be understood by computers as easily as by people; that is, the web pages contain not only the concrete information to be shown, but also metadata that allows for its semantic interpretation. Such an organization of information offers new perspectives for the Web [Mon04] :

Organization, standardization and automatic treatment of information are the key elements that allowed the transition from the first Web generation, which is first of all a vast collection of anarchic information, to the Semantic Web, which aims at treating decentralized, sharable, and exploitable knowledge.

The Semantic Web requires the cooperation of various disciplines: Ontologies, Artificial Intelligence, Agents, Formal Logic, Languages, Graph Theory and Topology, etc. Our working area is Ontologies for the Web, more exactly, ontologies represented by Topic Maps to be handled by web applications and browsers.

An ontology is a way of describing a shared common understanding, about the kind of objects and relationships which are being talked about, so that communication can happen between people and application systems [Wri01] . In other words, it is the terminology of a domain (it defines the universe of discourse). As a real example consider the thesaurus used to search in a set of similar, but independent, websites.

Ontologies can be used to:

Topic Maps [PH03] are a good solution to organize concepts, and the relationships between those concepts, because they follow a standard notation - ISO/IEC 13250 [BBN99] - for interchangeable knowledge representation. Topic Maps are composed of topics and associations giving rise to structured semantic network that gathers information concerned with a certain domain. This hierarchical topic network can represent an ontology.

A topic map is an organized set of topics (formal representation of subjects), with:

It also has the capability of supporting multi-classification (a topic can belong to more than one class), and offers a filtering mechanism based on the concept of scope that is associated with names, occurrences, and associations.

According to [Wri01] , Topic Maps are very well suited to represent ontologies. Ontologies play a key role in many real-world knowledge representation applications, and namely the development of Semantic Web. The ability of Topic Maps to link resources anywhere, and to organize these resources according to a single ontology, will make Topic Maps a key component of the new generation of Web-aware knowledge management solutions.

On one hand, this section helps to understand our interest on Topic Maps in the actually important area of Semantic Web; on the other hand, the concepts so far introduced pointed out the indubitable need for mechanisms to guarantee the semantic correctness of Topic Maps.

3. Constraints

Given a specification (modelling a data structure or an operation), a constraint is a logical expression that restricts the possible values that a variable in that specification can take.

For instance, the book is on the table relates two objects. Adding another object also related with the table, say a knife, could be described by the statement: the knife is on the table. If it is important to state that the relative position between the book and knife is not arbitrary, we can use precisely a constraint: say the knife must be on the left of the book. In that case, the constraint imposes that the variable position can not take values like on the right, on the top, etc. Now, giving a table configuration, it is possible to say if it is valid or not; this is, if the given configuration satisfies the constraints or not.

Constraints can be applied to specifications in all domains. The set of valid sentences of a formal language can be restricted using contextual conditions over the grammar attributes. The proof process in logic programming can also be controlled adding constraints to the predicates. Also annotated documents can be coerced completing their type definition (DTDs or XML-Schema [DGM01] ) with constraints; for this purpose there are some domain specific languages, like Schematron [Dod01] and XCSL [JLRH02] .

These domain specific languages allow to describe the constraints required by each problem in a direct, clear and simple way; moreover they enable the derivation of a program to automatize the validation task. The derived semantic validator will verify every XML document, keeping silent when the constraints are satisfied, and reporting errors properly whenever the contextual conditions are broken.

The proposed Topic Maps Constraint System behaves like Schematron and XCSL . It means that the processor (generated according to a specification) checks the semantic validity of a topic map: if it is correct, the result is empty; on the other hand, every error detected is reported displaying an error message.

4. XTche - A Language for Topic Maps Schema and Constraints

This section presents a language to define constraints on Topic Maps, called XTche, with this language is possible guarantee that a topic map are semantically valid according to the specification. Before describing the language and its processor (a validator generator), we give the motivation behind its development, and discuss what a constraint is in this context.

As shown in Chapter 2 , when developing real topic maps, it is highly convenient to use a system to validate them; this is, to verify the correctness of an actual instance against the formal specification of the respective family of topic maps (according to the intention of its creator).

Adopting XTM format, the syntactic validation of a topic map is assured by any XML parser because XTM structure is defined by a DTD [PM01] . However, it is well known that structural validity does not mean the complete correctness - semantics should also be guaranteed.

Using XML Schema instead of DTD improves the validation process because some semantic requirements (domain, occurrence number, etc.) can be added to the structural specification. Still XML parsers will deal with that task.

However other semantic requirements remain unspecified. So, a specification language that allows us to define the schema and constraints of a family of Topic Maps is necessary.

A list of requirements for the new language was recently established by the ISO Working Group - the ISO JTC1 SC34 Project for a Topic Map Constraint Language ( TMCL ) [NM03] . XTche language meets all the requirements in that list; for that purpose, XTche has a set of constructors to describe constraints in Topic Maps, as will be detailed in the next subsections. But the novelty of the proposal is that the language also permits the definition of the topic map structure in an XML Schema style; it is no more necessary a separate syntactic description. A XTche specification merges the schema (defining the structure and the basic semantics) with constraints (describing the contextual semantics) for all the topic maps in that family.

A Topic Map Schema defines all topic types, scopes, subject indicators, occurrence types, association types, association roles, and association players. So, it is possible to infer a topic map skeleton (written in XTM ) from the schema; the user or an application (like Oveia [LSRH04] , a Metamorphosis [LRH03] module) must only fill it in (with data extracted from the information resources) to obtain the topic map instances. This functionality (skeleton derivation and syntactic validation) will not be more developed in this paper, as it is devoted to the semantic aspects.

4.1 Schema Constraints and Contextual Constraints

XTche is designed to allow users to constrain any aspect of a topic map; for instance: topic names and scopes, association members, topics allowed as topic type, roles and players allowed in an association, instances of a topic (enumeration), association in which topics must participate, occurrences cardinality, etc.

These constraints can be divided in two parts: schema constraints and contextual constraints. The first subset defines the Topic Maps Schema (i.e., the structure of topics, associations, and occurrences); the second one is applied over particular conditions in a topic map. Figure 1 shows this classification.


Figure 1: Schema and Contextual Constraints

An extensive list of Topic Maps constraints [NM03] , classified as schema or contextual constraints, is presented below:

  1. Schema constraints:
  2. Contextual constraints:

Although all the concerns in the previous list are constraints, there is actually a slight difference in the way of dealing with the two subsets. So, the wish to have XTche expressing both - contextual constraints and schema constraints - has a direct influence in the design of the language and its processing. We will care about that in the following subsections.

4.2 An XML Schema-based language

Like XTM , XTche specifications can be too verbose; that way it is necessary to define constraints in a graphical way with the support of a visual tool. To overcome this problem, XTche syntax follows the XML Schema syntax; so, any XTche constraint specification can be written in a diagrammatic style with a common XML Schema editor.

It is up to the designer to decide how to edit the constraints and schemas: either in a XML Schema visual editor (that outputs the respective textual description), or in an XML text file according to XTche schema. The XTche specification (in textual format) is taken as input by XTche Processor that analyzes and checks it, and generates a Topic Maps validator (TM-Validator) as output (more details in the Section 4.5 ).

Moreover, XTche takes advantage of XML Schema data types to validate some constraints (see Section 4.3 ).

XTche is an XML Schema-based language. All XTche specifications are XML Schema instances; but, obviously, not all XML Schema instances are XTche specifications.

Section 4.2.1 describes the skeleton for all the XTche specifications. That skeleton is a generic, but incomplete, XML Schema that must be fulfilled with particular constraints for each case, as detailed in Section 4.3 and Section 4.4 . To write those constraints, the basic schema language is extended by a set of domain specific attributes that are defined in a separated file (also presented in Section 4.2.1 ) imported by the skeleton.

Like any other schema, before processing an XTche specification (in order to generate a TM-Validator), its correctness should be checked. However, an usual XML Schema-based parser is not enough to do that desired validation; we had to extend it with one more layer (to take care of the above referred domain specific attributes) as will be explained in Section 4.2.2 .

4.2.1 XTche Skeleton

An XTche specification is a schema where the <xtche> element is the root. This element is composed of a sequence, where two elements are allowed: <schema-constraints> - that specifies the schema constraints - and <contextual-constraints> - that specifies the contextual constraints. Both subelements are optional; it means a specification can only have one kind of constraints. These subelements are composed of a sequence, where each subelement represents a particular constraint.


Figure 2: XTche specification inicial structure

The diagram of Figure 2 represents the code presented below, the generic skeleton referred above (that must be completed in each case). It begins with root specification, where the namespace xtche must be declared with the value http://www.di.uminho.pt/~gepl/xtche. After that, it is necessary to import the schema that specifies the XTche attributes, as discussed above in the introduction to this section. This schema is available in http://www.di.uminho.pt/~gepl/xtche/xtche-schema.xsd. Finally, a sequence of two non-required elements (contextual-constraints and schema) allows the definition of all the constraints necessary to validate the particular topic maps under definition.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<xs:schema elementFormDefault="qualified" attributeFormDefault="unqualified"
xmlns:xtche="http://www.di.uminho.pt/~gepl/xtche" xmlns:xs="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema">
    <xs:import namespace="http://www.di.uminho.pt/~gepl/xtche"
    <xs:element name="xtche">
                <xs:element name="schema-constraints" minOccurs="0">
                            <!-- schema constraint 1 -->
                            <!-- schema constraint 2 -->
                            <!-- schema constraint N -->
                <xs:element name="contextual-constraints" minOccurs="0">
                            <!-- contextual constraint 1 -->
                            <!-- contextual constraint 2 -->
                            <!-- contextual constraint N -->

The specific XML Schema for XTche attributes is shown below. This schema (imported by the skeleton above) defines all the attributes required to qualify the elements in an XTche specification.

<xs:schema targetNamespace="http://www.di.uminho.pt/~gepl/xtche" elementFormDefault="qualified"
xmlns:xs="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema" xmlns:xtche="http://www.di.uminho.pt/~gepl/xtche">
    <!-- =========================================================== -->
    <!-- XTche attributes for schema constraints -->
    <!-- =========================================================== -->
    <xs:attribute name="topic"/>
    <xs:attribute name="topicType"/>
    <xs:attribute name="subjectIndicator"/>
    <xs:attribute name="scope"/>
    <xs:attribute name="baseName"/>
    <xs:attribute name="baseNamePattern"/>
    <xs:attribute name="baseNameScope"/>
    <xs:attribute name="occurrence"/>
    <xs:attribute name="occurrenceType"/>
    <xs:attribute name="occurrenceScope"/>
    <xs:attribute name="associationType"/>
    <xs:attribute name="associationScope"/>
    <xs:attribute name="associationRole"/>
    <xs:attribute name="associationPlayer"/>
    <!-- =========================================================== -->
    <!-- XTche attributes for contextual constraints -->
    <!-- =========================================================== -->
    <xs:attribute name="topicType-Exclusive"/>
    <xs:attribute name="topicType-Forbidden"/>
    <xs:attribute name="baseNameType-Exclusive"/>
    <xs:attribute name="baseNameType-Forbidden"/>
    <xs:attribute name="baseNameScope-Exclusive"/>
    <xs:attribute name="baseNameScope-Forbidden"/>
    <xs:attribute name="subjectIndicator-Exclusive"/>
    <xs:attribute name="subjectIndicator-Forbidden"/>
    <xs:attribute name="occurrenceType-Exclusive"/>
    <xs:attribute name="occurrenceType-Forbidden"/>
    <xs:attribute name="occurrenceScope-Exclusive"/>
    <xs:attribute name="occurrenceScope-Forbidden"/>
    <xs:attribute name="associationType-Exclusive"/>
    <xs:attribute name="associationType-Forbidden"/>
    <xs:attribute name="associationScope-Exclusive"/>
    <xs:attribute name="associationScope-Forbidden"/>
    <xs:attribute name="associationRole-Exclusive"/>
    <xs:attribute name="associationRole-Forbidden"/>
    <xs:attribute name="associationPlayer-Exclusive"/>
    <xs:attribute name="associationPlayer-Forbidden"/>
    <!-- =========================================================== -->
    <!-- XTche elements -->
    <!-- =========================================================== -->
    <xs:element name="baseName"/>
    <xs:element name="occurrence"/>
    <xs:element name="subjectIndicator"/>

Those two XML Schemas (the first one incomplete) are all that is necessary to learn the general structure of the new XTche language to define the schema of Topic Maps. To use it, the topic map designer shall also know how to write the constraints he wants to be satisfied by each particular topic map instance. However, before explaining both the schema and contextual constraints, let us just talk about the XTche validation that will guarantee that a particular specification is a well-formed XML-Schema and a valid XTche description.

4.2.2 XTche-Specification Validation Processor

XTche-Specification Validation Processor (XTche-SpecVP) checks the structure of a XTche specification in agreement with the standard schema for XML Schema language and the specific schema for XTche language, presented in last subsection.

About this subject, it is possible to make an analogy between an XTche specification and an XML document: an XTche instance should be a well-formed [1] . XML Schema but it also needs to be valid according to XTche schema. So, its correctness is assured by XTche-SpecVP that performs separately those two verifications.

Figure 3 depicts that processor, which behavior is: initially, it verifies if the source XTche specification is a valid XML Schema (any XML parser is able to do this simple task); if no errors are found, the processor executes the second step that consists on the verification of its compliance against the rules defined below. Errors are reported as they occur. The XTche specification is correct if no errors are reported.


Figure 3: XTche-Specification Validation Processor

Rules verified by XTche-SpecVP in the second phase:

  1. in Schema Conditions:
    1. the first level of <schema-constraints> subelements must have only one of these attributes: associationType, topicType, occurrenceType, or baseNameType;
    2. elements with associationType attribute must have subelements with only one of these attributes: associationScope, associationRole, associationRole-Exclusive, associationPlayer, or associationPlayer-Exclusive;
    3. elements with associationType attribute can have a <xs:any> subelement (its namespace must have the value ##any);
    4. elements, that have attributes with Exclusive suffix, do not have subelements;
    5. elements with associationScope or associationPlayer attributes do not have any subelements;
    6. elements with associationRole attribute can have subelements with associationPlayer attribute;
    7. elements with associationRole attribute can also have minOccurs and maxOccurs attributes;
    8. elements with associationRole attribute can have a <xs:any> subelement (its namespace must have the value ##any);
    9. elements with associationPlayer attribute can also have minOccurs and maxOccurs attributes;
    10. elements with topicType attribute must have subelements with only one of these attributes: baseName, baseNameScope, occurrenceType, occurrenceScope, subjectIndicator, or topic;
    11. elements, that have one of these attributes - baseNameScope, occurrenceScope - do not have subelements;
    12. elements with occurrenceType, occurrenceScope, attributes can also have minOccurs and maxOccurs attributes;
    13. elements with topicType attribute can have a <xs:any> subelement (this namespace must have the value ##any) if all its subelements have topic attribute;
    14. elements with occurrenceType attribute can have subelements with occurrenceScope attribute.
  1. in Contextual Conditions:
    1. attributes with Forbidden suffix must only be found in subelements children of <contextual-conditions>;
    2. an attribute with Exclusive suffix must be unique in its element;
    3. an element can have more than one attribute with Forbidden suffix, but all its attributes must have this suffix;

4.3 Schema constraint specification

The schema constraint specification follows closely XTM schema. Each schema specification is a subelement of <schema-constraints>, the first subelement of <xtche>, as shown in the skeleton previously presented. It has several elements structured according to XTM schema.

For instance: to specify that topics of type country must have occurrence of type map in the scope geography, we should write the code below:

   <xs:element name="country">
            <xs:element name="map">
                     <xs:element name="geography">
                           <xs:attribute ref="xtche:occurrenceScope"/>
                  <xs:attribute ref="xtche:occurrenceType"/>
          <xs:attribute ref="xtche:topicType"/>

Figure 4 is the respective diagrammatic view.


Figure 4: An XTche specification

To compare the XTche specification in Figure 4 and XTM structure, Figure 5 exhibits a part of that schema, where the path to occurrence scope is in contrast.


Figure 5: XTM schema

As shown in Figure 4 one schema constraint is a sequence of concrete topics (country, map, and geography) each one qualified by an associated XTche attribute. A similar description in XTM ( Figure 5 ) uses generic element names (topic, occurrence, and scope) and defines the concrete data via attributes associated to those elements (see code below). This systematic correspondence justifies a previous statement that the XTM code can be inferred from the XTche specification. However, the first contains more semantic information.

    <topic id="xxx">
            <topicRef xlink:href="#country"/>
                <topicRef xlink:href="#map"/>
                <topicRef xlink:href="#geography"/>

Now a more sophisticated XTche example inspired in the E-Commerce Application, subsection 6.1 of [NM03] , is described. The relationship defined by the association of type is-making-order has two association roles: customer and order. The role order must be played by, at least, one topic of type order, and the role customer played by one player, which must be a topic of type customer or employee. To specify this kind of constraint, the code must be written as follows.

<xs:element name="is-making-order">
      <xs:element name="customer">
            <xs:element name="employee">
                <xs:attribute ref="xtche:associationPlayer"/>
            <xs:element name="customer">
                <xs:attribute ref="xtche:associationPlayer"/>
          <xs:attribute ref="xtche:associationRole"/>
      <xs:element name="order">
            <xs:element name="order" maxOccurs="unbounded">
                <xs:attribute ref="xtche:associationPlayer"/>
          <xs:attribute ref="xtche:associationRole"/>
    <xs:attribute ref="xtche:associationType"/>

The element <xs:choice> inside the role customer defines the two alternative association players that can be found playing that role in the topic map. The attribute maxOccurs, associated with player order, defines the cardinality (in this case, one or more) of the players allowed in role order.

This XTche specification above can be depicted by the diagram shown in Figure 6 .


Figure 6: An XTche specification

For comparison, Figure 7 shows the classic XTM structure for that association.


Figure 7: XTM schema

Though, the XTche specification represented in Figure 6 can validate the intended constraints on Topic Maps containing the following code:

    <topic id="xxx">
            <topicRef xlink:href="#customer"/>
    <topic id="yyy">
            <topicRef xlink:href="#order"/>

            <topicRef xlink:href="#is-making-order"/>
                <topicRef xlink:href="#customer"/>
            <topicRef xlink:href="#yyy"/>
                <topicRef xlink:href="#order"/>
            <topicRef xlink:href="#xxx"/>

Once again, we think that the observation of both diagrams makes clear the difference between a XTche specification and a XTM specification enhancing the advantage of XTche.

4.4 Contextual constraint specification

Contextual constraints appear in the XTche specification as subelements of <contextual-constraints>, the second subelement of <xtche>, as explained in Section 4.2.1 (see the skeleton included). They do not have more subelements; they only have attributes.

For instance, to create a topic profile and say that it can be used for scoping occurrences and nothing else, all that we have to do is to add a <profile> subelement with an @occurrenceScope-Exclusive attribute, as shown in Figure 8 .


Figure 8: A contextual constraint specification example

Such a restriction can not be made explicitly in XTM ; this is why we call that family of constraints contextual, to distinguish from those that can be included in XTM (called schema-constraints). This way, to validate the above stated restriction, the TM-Validator needs to check if the topic profile is only used as a topicRef element at the end of //occurrence/scope path, as shown in Figure 9 .


Figure 9: XTM schema

As a second example, consider that we wish to create a topic paper and say that it can not be used for typing other topics or associations. In XTche language, we simply need to add a <paper> subelement with the attributes @topicType-Forbidden and @associationType-Forbidden, as shown in Figure 10 .


Figure 10: Another contextual constraint specification example

Figure 11 shows the places where the topic paper can not be found, according to the constraint described in Figure 10 , but unfortunately in XTM there is no explicit, found on systematic, way to impose that; the designer should pay attention and avoid its use in the undesirable places. However the TM-Validator will ckeck two contexts. If it finds a reference to the topic paper in one of these two places it will issue an error message.


Figure 11: XTM schema

4.5 XTche Processor and TM-Validator

Each XTche specification - listing all the conditions (involving topics and associations) that must be checked - specifies a specific topic map validation process (TM-Validator), enabling the systematic codification (in XSL) of this verification task. We understood that in those circumstances, it was possible to generate automatically this TM-Validator. For that purpose, we developed another XSL stylesheet that translates an XTche specification into the TM-Validator XSL code.

The XTche processor is the TM-Validator generator; it behaves precisely like a compiler generator and it is the core of our architecture, as can be seen in Figure 12 . It takes a valid topic map schema and constraint specification (an XML instance, written according to the XTche schema), verified by the XTche-SpecVP introduced in Section 4.2.2 , and generates an XSL stylesheet (the TM-Validator) that will process an input topic map and will generate an ok/error messages (an ok message states that the topic map is valid according to the XTche specification).


Figure 12: XTche Architecture

Both XSL stylesheets (the generator and the validator) are interpreted by a standard XSL processor like Saxon [2] , what in our opinion is one of the benefits of the proposal.

During the development of this generator we found some problems that had a strong impact in the final algorithm. The most important was the ambiguity in constraint selection; until now, we have just said that an XTche specification is composed of a set of constraints; we did not say that these constraints are disjoint in terms of context; in some cases there is a certain overlap between the contexts of different conditions; this overlap will cause an error when transposed to XSL; XSL processors can only match one context at a time. The solution we have adopted to overcome this problem was to run each constraint in a different mode (in XSL each mode corresponds to a different traversal of the document tree).

5. Related Work

AsTMa! [Bar03] is another Topic Maps constraint language, and Robert Barta also proposes a mechanism to validate a topic map document against a given set of rules. This language uses AsTMa= [Bar04] , the authoring language, and extends it with several new language constructors, and logic operators (like NOT, AND and OR), simple logical quantifiers and regular expressions. AsTMa! exposes some features of a future TMCL .

The topic declaration below defines a topic with an id (pele) which matches that in the constraint, the type also matches (person) and so does the basename (Pelé). Additional topic characteristics such as the inline and occurrence characteristic (with occurrence type profile) does not affect the matching, and therefore the constraint is satisfied as long as the minimal requirements are met.

pele (person)
bn: Pelé
in: Pelé is the best soccer player of all-time
oc (profile): http://www.time.com/time/time100/heroes/profile/pele01.html		

To verify if every person has at least an URL, it is necessary to write a sentence like the one shown in the code fragment below.

forall $r [ * (person) ]
   => exists $r [ oc : ?is_url ] is-reified-by report-has-URL-S

In order to define that an is-written-by association type relates two members, one is a person, and the other is a paper, the AsTMa! code below must be written:

forall [ (is-written-by) ]
   => exists ] (is-written-by)
               user  : $p
               thing : $t [
      exists [ $p (person) ]
      exists [ $t (paper) ] is-reified-by person-writes-papers-S		

In another related work, Eric Freese [Fre02] says that it should be possible to use the DAML+OIL language to provide a constraint and validation mechanism for topic map information. The cited paper discusses how to describe validation and consistency of the information contained in Topic Maps using DAML+OIL and RDF , showing how to extend XTM and how to define PSIs and class hierarchies, as well as assign properties to topics.

Comparing XTche with the other known approaches, some advantages of XTche emerge: XTche has a XML Schema-based language, a well-known format. In addition, XTche allows the use of an XML Schema graphic editor, like XMLSpy. With the diagrammatic view, it is easy to check visually the correctness of the specification. Moreover, XTche gathers in one specification both the structure and the semantic descriptions, and it realizes a fully declarative approach requiring no procedural knowledge for users.

Talking about the constraints covered by these languages, XTche and AsTMa! have more mechanisms to check the validity of Topic Maps than the Eric Freese proposal.

6. Conclusion

In this paper we introduced a Topic Maps Validation System - XTche Constraint language and its processor. We started with our strong motivation to check a topic map for syntactic and semantic correctness - as a notation to describe an ontology that supports a sophisticated computer system (like the applications in the area of Semantic Web or archiving) its validation is crucial!

Then we assumed XTM and TMCL as starting points and we used our background in compilers and XML validation to come up with our proposal. XTche complies with all requirements stated for TMCL but it is an XML Schema oriented language. This idea brings two benefits: on one hand it allows for the syntactic specification of Topic Maps (not only the constraints), eliminating the need for two separated specifications; and on the other hand it enables the use of an XML Schema editor (for instance, XMLSpy) to provide a graphical interface and the basic syntactic checker (the first stage of the XTche-SpecVP).

We succeeded in applying this approach to some case studies - E-Commerce Application (subsection 6.1 of [Wri01] ) and a personal video library management system - virtually representative of all possible cases. It means that: on one hand, we were able to describe the constraints required by each problem in a direct, clear and simple way; on the other hand, the Topic Maps semantic validator could process every document successfully, that is keeping silent when the constraints are satisfied, and detecting/reporting errors, whenever the contextual conditions are broken.


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  1. The concept of being well-formed was introduced as a requirement of XML, to deal with the situation where a schema (DTD, XML Schema, or RelaxNG) is not available.

  2. http://saxon.sourceforge.net/

XHTML rendition made possible by SchemaSoft's Document Interpreter™ technology.