; ; Script Omnimark para gerar uma página HTML com os arqueositios agrupados ; por Concelho e links para cada uma das páginas individuais dos arqsits ; e cruzar esta informação com o glossário enriquecendo os dois. ; Versão 0.1 - jcr - 21.04.98 ; DOWN-TRANSLATE global stream area-stream variable initial-size 0 global stream thesaurus variable initial-size 0 global stream cidenti global stream concelho global counter arqind INITIAL {1} global stream farq global stream glossario global counter cliga ELEMENT #IMPLIED SUPPRESS ELEMENT arqsits OUTPUT "%c" ELEMENT arqelem set cliga to 1 OPEN farq AS FILE "ARQS/arq%d(arqind).html" USING OUTPUT AS farq OUTPUT "


" CLOSE farq INCREMENT arqind ELEMENT identi SET cidenti TO "%c" OUTPUT "



%g(cidenti)" ELEMENT concel SET concelho TO "%sc" OUTPUT "



%g(concelho)" DO WHEN !(area-stream has key concelho) NEW area-stream key concelho DONE REOPEN area-stream key concelho as buffer PUT area-stream key concelho "
  • %g(cidenti)%n" CLOSE area-stream key concelho ELEMENT quadro OUTPUT "



    %n%c" ELEMENT desarq OUTPUT "



    %n%c" ELEMENT liga local stream lstemp set lstemp to "%c" OUTPUT "%g(lstemp)" DO WHEN !(thesaurus has key lstemp) new thesaurus key lstemp DONE REOPEN thesaurus key lstemp as buffer PUT thesaurus key lstemp "
  • %g(cidenti)%n" CLOSE thesaurus key lstemp INCREMENT cliga DOCUMENT-END local stream alist REPEAT OVER area-stream OUTPUT "

    Entrys of '" || key of area-stream || "':

    %n%n" again OPEN glossario as FILE "ARQS/gloss.html" PUT glossario "


    %n" REPEAT OVER thesaurus PUT glossario "

    Termo: '" || key of thesaurus || "':

    %n%n" AGAIN CLOSE glossario