Nic Miloslav     Example 5    KEYWORDS      EXAMPLES      AUTHORS     

Every XSL stylesheet must start with xsl:stylesheet element. The atribute version='1.0' xmlns:xsl specifies version of XSL(T) specification. This example shows the simplest possible stylesheet. As it does not contain any information, default processing is used.

     XML     HOME     XSL 1      
<xslTutorial >
<em>Hello, world</em>   

     XSL 1     HOME     XML     HTML 1     OUTPUT 1     
<xsl:stylesheet version='1.0' xmlns:xsl='' >

     HTML 1     HOME     XML     XSL 1     OUTPUT 1     
<BODY> Hello, world </BODY> </HTML>

     OUTPUT 1     HOME     XML     XSL 1     HTML 1     
Hello, world