Pawson D.     Example 27    KEYWORDS      EXAMPLES      AUTHORS     

All axes were used in this example.

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<xslTutorial >
<p>Preceeding Ancestor. <br/></p>
<p>Ancestor. <br/></p>
   <pprec choice="a">
<p>Preceeding Parent.<br/> </p>
<p>Parent. <br/></p>
<p>Preceeding sibling.<br/> </p>
 <me id="id001">
<p>Me.<br/> </p>
<!-- Comment after Me -->
   <p>Preceeding child.<br/> </p>
  <child idref="id001">
    <p>Child. <br/></p>
<?pi Processing Instruction ?>
      <p>preceeding Descendant.<br/> </p>
    <p>Descendant.<br/> </p>
     <p>Following Descendant.<br/> </p>
   <p>following child.<br/> </p>
   <p>Following Sibling.<br/> </p>
<p>Following Parent.<br/> </p>
<p>following Ancestor.<br/></p>

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<xsl:stylesheet version='1.0' xmlns:xsl='' >
<xsl:template match="/">
<!-- Lesson. Note how the initial context node
is reduced by the apply templates; this stops
the 'leaking' of content when all I want is
a subset of the whole in the result tree -->
<xsl:apply-templates select="//me"/>
<xsl:template match="br">
<br />
<xsl:template match="me" priority="10">
<title> <xsl:text> Document</xsl:text> </title>
<H2>Following Axis</H2>
<b><xsl:apply-templates select="following::*/p"/></b>
<H2>Descendant or Self Axis</H2>
<b><xsl:apply-templates select="descendant-or-self::*/p"/></b>
<H2>Descendant Axis</H2>
<b><xsl:apply-templates select="descendant::*/p"/></b>
<H2>Self Axis</H2>
<b><xsl:apply-templates select="self::*/p"/></b>
<H2>Child Axis</H2>
<b><xsl:apply-templates select="child::*/p"/></b>
<H2>Following Axis</H2>
<p><b><xsl:apply-templates select="following::*/p"/></b>
<br /><i>Note the lack of ancestors here? <br />Learned anything
about document order yet?</i></p>
<H2>Following Sibling Axis</H2>
<b><xsl:apply-templates select="following-sibling::*"/></b>
<H2>Attribute Axis</H2>
<b><xsl:apply-templates select="attribute::*"/></b>
<H2>Parent Axis</H2>
<b><xsl:apply-templates select="parent::*/p"/></b>
<H2>Ancestor or Self Axis</H2>
<b><xsl:apply-templates select="ancestor-or-self::*/p"/></b>
<H2>Ancestor Axis</H2>
<b><xsl:apply-templates select="ancestor::*/p"/></b>
<H2>Preceding Sibling Axis</H2>
<b><xsl:apply-templates select="preceding-sibling::*/p"/></b>
<H2>Preceeding Axis</H2>
<b><i>Not Implemented in XT 22 09 99</i></b>
<H2>Namespace Axis</H2>
<b><i>Not Implemented in XT 22 09 99</i></b>

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<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional//EN">
<title>Document</title> </head>
<H2>Following Axis</H2>
<b>Following Sibling.
<br> Following Parent.
<br> following Ancestor.
<br> </b>
<H2>Descendant or Self Axis</H2>
<br> Preceeding child.
<br> Child.
<br>preceeding Descendant.
<br> Descendant.
<br> Following Descendant.
<br> following child.
<br> </b>
<H2>Descendant Axis</H2>
<b>Preceeding child.
<br> Child.
<br>preceeding Descendant.
<br> Descendant.
<br> Following Descendant.
<br> following child.
<br> </b>
<H2>Self Axis</H2>
<br> </b>
<H2>Child Axis</H2>
<b>Preceeding child.
<br> Child.
<br>following child.
<br> </b>
<H2>Following Axis</H2>
<b>Following Sibling.
<br> Following Parent.
<br> following Ancestor.
<br> </b>
<i>Note the lack of ancestors here?
<br>Learned anything about document order yet?</i> </p>
<H2>Following Sibling Axis</H2>
<b> Following Sibling.
<br> </b>
<H2>Attribute Axis</H2>
<H2>Parent Axis</H2>
<br> </b>
<H2>Ancestor or Self Axis</H2>
<br> </b>
<H2>Ancestor Axis</H2>
<br> </b>
<H2>Preceding Sibling Axis</H2>
<b>Preceeding sibling.
<br> </b>
<H2>Preceeding Axis</H2>
<i>Not Implemented in XT 22 09 99</i></b>
<H2>Namespace Axis</H2>
<i>Not Implemented in XT 22 09 99</i></b> </body> </html> </BODY> </HTML>

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Following Axis

Following Sibling.
Following Parent.
following Ancestor.

Descendant or Self Axis

Preceeding child.
preceeding Descendant.
Following Descendant.
following child.

Descendant Axis

Preceeding child.
preceeding Descendant.
Following Descendant.
following child.

Self Axis


Child Axis

Preceeding child.
following child.

Following Axis

Following Sibling.
Following Parent.
following Ancestor.

Note the lack of ancestors here?
Learned anything about document order yet?

Following Sibling Axis

Following Sibling.

Attribute Axis


Parent Axis


Ancestor or Self Axis


Ancestor Axis


Preceding Sibling Axis

Preceeding sibling.

Preceeding Axis

Not Implemented in XT 22 09 99

Namespace Axis

Not Implemented in XT 22 09 99