
W3C Working Draft

An xsl:value-of or xsl:text element may have a disable-output-escaping attribute; the allowed values are yes or no; the default is no; if the value is yes, then a text node generated by instantiating the xsl:value-of or xsl:text element should be output without any escaping. t is an error for output escaping to be disabled for a text node that is used for something other than a text node in the result tree. Thus, it is an error to disable output escaping for an xsl:value-of or xsl:text element that is used to generate the string-value of a comment, processing instruction or attribute node; it is also an error to convert a result tree fragment to a number or a string if the result tree fragment contains a text node for which escaping was disabled. In both cases, an XSLT processor may signal the error; if it does not signal the error, it must recover by ignoring the disable-output-escaping attribute.