Paulo Jorge de Sousa Azevedo - Home Page
Main interest areas:
- Knowledge Discovery in Databases (KDD)
- Machine Learning
- Bioinformatics
- Logic Programming (in general).
Current Projects
- PRAXIS XXI project ECO - Extraccao de Conhecimento em Bases de Dados.
- FCT - POSI/2001 project CLASS - Classificação e Associação usando Regras de Associação.
- FCT - POSC/EIA/58367/2004 project Site-o-Matic - Web site Automation.
- FCT - GRID/GRI/81809/2006 project P-found: - computação GRID e armazenamento distribuído da dados de simulações de dobragem e desdobragem de proteínas.
- FCT - PTDC/BIA-PRO/72838/2006 project ProtUnf: - Searching for high level rules in protein folding and unfolding: from amyloid diseases to protein structure prediction.
My Data Mining tools. I have been developing and implementing association rules extractors.
It is part of my test-bed for the development of new ideas in frequent patterns mining algorithms and CAR based classifiers (for categorical and numeric prediction).
The CAREN system. Developed under the FCT/POSI funded CLASS project.
For the top level here go to Minho University Home Page.
My personal Repository of papers.
email: pe jai ei at di ai dot you minho dot pe te