J.N.Oliveira - Lecture Notes and Textbooks
[ DI/UM ]

J. N. Oliveira.
Especificação e Desenvolvimento Formal de Programas.
Mestrado em Informática, Universidade do Minho, 1995.
Lecture notes (2nd edition) in Portuguese [tar gzipped PS].

J. N. Oliveira.
Métodos Formais de Programação.
University of Minho, 4.th edition, 1997.
Textbook (489 p. in Portuguese [846K gzipped PS]). English version under preparation at the time of writing.

J. N. Oliveira.
SETS -- a data structuring calculus and its application to program development.
Technical report, UNU/IIST, May 1997.
Lecture Notes of Course at UNU/IIST, Macau, 5-16 May 1997, 125p. [305K gzipped PS]).

J. N. Oliveira.
A data structuring calculus and its application to program development, May 1998.
Lecture Notes of M.Sc. Course (150 p. [390K gzipped PS]). Maestria em Ingeneria del Software, Departamento de Informatica, Facultad de Ciencias Fisico-Matematicas y Naturales, Universidad de San Luis, San Luis, 98.04.29 - 98.05.08. Argentina.

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Jose Nuno Oliveira