U.Minho José Nuno Oliveira
[ DI/UM ]

Interested in Formal Methods? Please visit the FME website.

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Position statement | Profile | CCS profile
ACM | DBLP | Scholar | MS Academic
Interest Areas | Publications | Professional Activities
Address | Research Projects
PhD supervision | PhD co-supervision
Teaching Duties
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  Position statement

Software technology is pre-scientific in its lack of an effective basis for predicting computers' behaviour. My research aims at improving scientific standards in software design through formal methods and calculational techniques. These include the application of mathematical transforms in refactoring and improving existing software theories. I do this with passion and firmly believe this will make computing better in the future.


Current position

Professional Liaisons

Academic degrees


Departamento de Informatica (Room E7-2.05),
Universidade do Minho,
Campus de Gualtar,
4710-057 Braga,
Tel: +351-253-604430/62
Fax: +351-253-604471
Email: jno AT di DOT uminho DOT pt

  Professional Activities

  Interest Areas


  Research Projects/ Formal Methods Industrial Case Studies

Area Project Status
Foundations of Cyberphysical systems IBEX (PTDC/CCI-COM/4280/2021) On-going
Big data and data-analytics LEANBIGDATA (FP7-ICT 619606) Finished
Information-Knowledge Fusion IKF (E!2235) Finished
A Fuzzy-Object System for Software Reuse SOUR (E! 379) Finished
Trustworthy Software Design with Alloy TRUST (Grant PTDC/EEI-CTP/2904/2014) Finished
Coalgebraic Modeling and Analysis for Computational Synthetic Biology KLEE (Grant POCI-01-0145-FEDER-030947) 2018-2020
Distributed Architectures: Variability and Interaction for CPS Systems DAVINCI (Grant POCI-01-0145-FEDER-029946) 2018-2020
Dynamic logics for cyber-physical system DALI (Grant PTDC/EEI-CTP/4836/2014) Finished
Foundations, Applications and Tools for Bidirectional Transformation FATBIT (Grant FCOMP-01-0124-FEDER-020532) Finished
Quantitative analysis of interacting systems: foundations and algorithms QAIS (Grant PTDC/EIA-CCO/122240/2010) Finished
Foundations for Architectural Design MONDRIAN (Grant PTDC/EIA-CCO/108302/2008) Finished
Reinvigorating Mathematics for the Information Society MATHIS (Grant PTDC/EIA/73252/2006) Finished
Program Understanding and Re-engineering: Calculi and Applications PURe (Grant POSI/CHS/44304/2002) Finished
Data Quality based on Formal Data Reverse Calculation KARMA (P060-P31B-09/97) Finished

  PhD supervision


MAP-i PhD program
Ana Neri. THEME/TITLE: Towards `Just Good Enough' Quantum Programming. START: 2021.
U. San Luis, Argentina
Claudia Monica Necco. THEME/TITLE: Pointfree Program Calculation - Theory and Applications. START: 2007.


U. Minho
Hugo Macedo. THEME/TITLE: Matrices as Arrows! a Typed Approach to Linear Algebra. START: 2009.
Paulo F. Silva. TITLE: On the Design of a `G'alculator. DATE: 2009.
C.J. Rodrigues. TITLE: Foundations of Program Refinement by Calculation. DATE: 2009.
Luís S. Barbosa. TITLE: Components as Coalgebras. DATE: 2001.
Fernando M. Martins. TITLE: Métodos Formais na Concepção e Desenvolvimento de Sistemas Interactivos. DATE: 1995.

  PhD co-supervision


U. Minho
Hugo Pacheco. THEME/TITLE: Bidirectional Data Transformation by Calculation. CO-SUPERVISOR: Prof. M.A. Cunha DATE: 2012.
U. Minho / SIG
Tiago Alves. THEME/TITLE: Techniques for Software Portfolio Understanding. CO-SUPERVISOR: Dr. Joost Visser DATE: 2012.
Univ. Nottingham
Alexandra Sofia Ferreira Mendes. THEME/TITLE: Structure Editing of Handwritten Mathematics. CO-SUPERVISOR: Prof. Roland Backhouse. DATE: 2012.
Univ. Porto
Ana Cristina Paiva Pimenta. TITLE: Automated Specification-Based Testing of Graphical User Interfaces. CO-SUPERVISORS: Prof. Raul Moreira Vidal, Prof. João C. Pascoal Faria. DATE: 2007.

  Teaching Duties

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  Links to old pages

jno 2025-01-22