`Fractal' Types: an Attempt to Generalize Hash Table Calculation
[ DI/UM ]

by J.N. Oliveira (presented at Workshop on Generic Programming [WGP98 ], June 18, 1998, Marstrand, Sweden)
Paper: [available as a 57K ps.gz file]

Abstract: This paper addresses a class of generic program calculations which aim at introducing concurrency into programs by changing data-structure representations.

We depart from the `invent & verify' techniques typical of the formal software development method tradition in two ways: first, we want to calculate rather than prove; second, we would like to develop generic, datatype-parametric paradigms about generic components by generalizing particular programming solutions.

The paper describes our efforts to generalize a well-known programming device - the hash-table data manager. The main idea is to show that this device has some potential for concurrency and might be converted into a broader programming paradigm. Some difficulties we have encountered will be presented.

  author = "J. N. Oliveira",
  title = {`{F}ractal' {T}ypes:
            an {A}ttempt to {G}eneralize {H}ash {T}able {C}alculation},
  year = 1998,
  note = { Presented at Workshop on Generic Programming (WGP'98),
           June 18, 1998, Marstrand, Sweden }

Jose Nuno Oliveira