Bringing CAMILA and SETS Together -- the and CAMILA Toolset Demos
[ DI/UM ]

by J.J. Almeida , L.S. Barbosa , F.L. Neves and J.N. Oliveira (presented as a demo at AMAST'97 : Sixth International Conference on Algebraic Methodology and Software Technology, 13-17 December 1997, Macquarie University, Sydney, Australia.
Report: [available as a 198K ps.gz file].

Abstract: The presentation of the CAMILA Toolset at AMAST'97 included two demos -- and -- which show how incremental data refinement is supported by the prototype / implementation hybridization primitives available in the Toolset.

The process of animating each of these data refinement case studies is hard to understand if unaccompanied by the underlying mathematical calculations in the SETS calculus.

Bridging the gap between theory and practice, this report not only outlines such mathematical calculations which lead to the provided relational model implementations, but also shows how such a process can be partly automated and animated in the Toolset.

A synopsis of SETS is presented as an Appendix. This should be read in advance by those unfamiliar with this program calculus. By inspecting the present LATEX source, readers will have an opportunity to understand how additional tools in the Toolset -- namely CAMTEX (a CAMILA into LATEX embedder) and PRETTY (a LATEX output CAMILA pretty printer) -- can be used in order to produce documentation in an integrated fashion.


    author = "Almeida, J. J. and Barbosa, L. S. and Neves, F. L. and
              Oliveira, J. N.",
    title = {
        Bringing CAMILA and SETS Together --- the \texttt{}
        and \texttt{} CAMILA {T}oolset Demos},
    month = "December",
    year = 1997,
    institution = "DI/UM, Braga",
    note = { 45 p.}

Jose Nuno Oliveira